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What do you know about Moringa? Are you aware of the amazing benefits of Moringa? Did you know that Moringa tree is regarded as one of the world’s most vital trees as almost every part of the tree can be used either for medicinal or culinary purposes? Here are the important things you need to know about this amazing tree.

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Medicinal plants/herbs continue to play an intrinsic role in revolutionizing the management and treatment of sexual disorders in men. Male sexual dysfunction (SD), male impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED) is a man’s inability to have or sustain a firm erection for sexual intercourse. Another form of sexual disorder is premature ejaculation (PE), which is when a man ejaculates semen shortly afte

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[embed]http:////gfb.global.ssl.fastly.net/podcasts/HFB_12_Treating_Diarrhea_with_plants.mp3[/embed] I suppose each and every one of us at some point in our lifetimes has suffered from diarrhoea! Maybe not the chronic type but probably the mild one. Kudos to you if you haven’t yet! You probably might be thriving in another planet! Addressing the issue of diarrhea has become an area of concern si

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Smoothies are always nutritious, refreshing and packed with the right nutrients essential for the healthy functioning of our body systems. This version is a winner because of the moringa that was added right in there!

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Mango Spinach Smoothie || How To Make A Green Smoothie

If life offers you some fresh spinach, mangoes, condensed milk, moringa powder and fresh whole milk, please do not hesitate to make a green smoothie out of 'em! Like most smoothies, this mango spinach smoothie recipe is very versatile. Grab the ingredients, head over to the kitchen and get started already! You can take your creativity and run with it!

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Life is too short

Life is too Short to Play around with what You Eat.

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Tell Me What You Eat

Tell me what You eat and I could possibly Estimate your lifespan.

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Healthy Eating

The healthier you Eat, the healthier You become.

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There are many Consumables out there but it is how you Consume them that makes a Difference.

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This quote is circled around the importance of healthy eating. The more Healthier You Eat, the more Feat You earn.

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Every healthy food has its health benefits but not everyone appreciates them!We are surrounded by countless healthy foods but it is so disheartening that we often fail to tap into these nature's gifts to us. Have you adopted an unhealthy eating lifestyle? If yes, then it is high time you started making a U-TURN!But peradventure you are already on the healthy-food-bandwagon, my question to you is;

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Sago Worm Worm!!! Why on earth should I eat worm? Is it safe to eat worm? Is it healthy? Is it nutritious? What can I benefit from eating worm? These few questions and much more could be going on in your mind at the sight of this article. To answer these few questions ~ It is a big fat YES from me! Yes, you can eat some types of worms but not all worms, it is safe to eat certain worms but not al

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The Baking Bible

Legendary baker Rose Levy Beranbaum is back with her most extensive “bible” yet. With all-new recipes for the best cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, candies, pastries, breads, and more, this magnum opus draws from Rose’s passion and expertise in every category of baking. As is to be expected from the woman who’s been called “the most meticulous cook who ever lived,” each sumptuous recipe is truly foolproof—with detail-oriented instructions that eliminate guesswork, “plan-aheads,” ingenious tips, and highlights for success. From simple everyday crowd-pleasers (Coffee Crumb Cake Muffins, Gingersnaps, Gooseberry Crisp) to show-stopping stunners (Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse Tart, Mango Bango Cheesecake, White Christmas Peppermint Cake) to bakery-style pastries developed for the home kitchen (the famous French Kouign Amann), every recipe proves that delicious perfection is within reach for any baker.

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Peanuts botanically known as Arachis hypogaea belongs to the species of legume of the Fabaceae family (Feng et., al 2012). It is an annual plant growing approximately 30 to 50 cm tall which originated from Paraguay. They are known with other names such as ground nuts, monkey nuts or pygmy nuts.According to the Peanut Institute, peanuts are rich sources of vitamin E, niacin, copper, phosphorus magn

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 [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO9PNYEgs1U[/embed]I can now confidently say that I am amazingly excited that I will henceforth be using Canon EOS 6D for my food photography. I just unboxed the Canon EOS 6D Camera and I am ecstatic.Ooh la la I am mmmmmm................. as in seriously dancing!Ask me why?Well, because I am finally unboxing my Canon EOS 6d. Yes, Yes, Yes!Sorry that I a

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Famous Food Quote Of The Day

“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” -Julia Child

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Fried Bean Cakes (Akara)

You can sure quote me anytime, anywhere that these fried bean cakes (akara) are very easy to prepare, colourful and YUMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi friends,Where do I just start from? Well, let me start by asking if you've ever eaten any tasteless meal? Yes I've had some unlucky occasions when I ate some tasteless meals and I have no doubts you too must have experienced such. Food tastelessness can be as a result of using the wrong ingredients or possibly using the right ingredients but with the wrong cooking methods. Whichever one still l

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Homemade Vegetarian Pizza

Homemade vegetarian pizza is always and will always remain every family's favorite and the interesting thing about pizza is that it is very easy to make that you can even indulge your kids to join you in the pizza making process.

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Kofte Kebab Recipe

Are you arranging a side dish, party or occassion? Try these tempting bites of kofte kebab! Very delicious, quick and easy to make! Check out our kofte kebab recipe as we walk you through the preparation steps.

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