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JASMINE [embed]https://gfb.global.ssl.fastly.net/podcasts/HFB_6_Health_Benefits_of_Jasmine.mp3[/embed] Plants continue to play an integral role in both orthodox and traditional medicines for preventing and treating various diseases and ailments. Although not all plants fall into this category, yet a great number of plants have been recorded as excellent bioresources for medicinal purposes. Th

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HFB 6: Jasmine and It's Benefits

Jasmine is botanically known as Jasminum officinale or jæsmᵻnəm and belongs to the olive family of Oleaceae. This shrub comprises of approximately two hundred species that are originally from Oceania, Eurasia and Australasia.Jasmine is mostly planted for the distinctive fragrance of its flowers. Different countries have different names for jasmine for example; Marathi calls it kunda, Hindi calls i

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Corchorus soup is highly rich in nutritions. This soup is eaten in the cuisine of diverse countries.

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Great British Food Magazine

Great British Food - gourmet cuisine produced with the very best of British produce From oyster pickers to pig farmers, and whisky producers to artisan bread makers - Great British Food travels the length and breadth of Britain to celebrate local producers and uncover new hidden gems. If you love eating, cooking and shopping for British food, then this is the magazine for you! Highlights include: 50+ delicious recipe ideas every issue Expert tips and techniques to try at home Artisan foods and kitchen gadgets put to the test Behind-the-scenes features about producers

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My experience in the health sector brought me closer to elderly people suffering from dementia. It baffles me a lot to see a full-fledged adult who at some point in his/her lifetime, totally forgets everything about life, especially what is happening at the present time. Such people rather intermittently remember what had happened countless years ago and then recognise such past event as if it is

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[embed]http:////gfb.global.ssl.fastly.net/podcasts/HFB_12_Treating_Diarrhea_with_plants.mp3[/embed] I suppose each and every one of us at some point in our lifetimes has suffered from diarrhoea! Maybe not the chronic type but probably the mild one. Kudos to you if you haven’t yet! You probably might be thriving in another planet! Addressing the issue of diarrhea has become an area of concern si

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Do you eat mango? How often do you eat mango? Are you aware of the health benefits obtainable from mango consumption? Did you know that the mango fruit, as well as other parts of the plant, are medicinally beneficial to your health? If you have answered "yes" to the above questions, then KUDOS! If otherwise, it is high time you started tapping into the numerous benefits that this plant can offer. It might interest you to read through this article to understand how you can benefit from this nature's gift. You will also learn how the various prts of the mango plant can be used for tackling various health challenges.

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This sweet tamarind sauce is indeed a winning homemade sauce. Packed with tangy flavour and distinctive aroma that you definitely cannot beat any time. Check out the recipe and give it a try, I bet it will turn out to be one of your all times favourite homemade sauce.

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Hi my lovely readers, I am just glad to share with you some easy steps on how to start yumming recipes from this blog. You probably may have heard of Yummly before or not but its a pleasure to let you know that this is a great platform launched in 2010 that contains gazillions of mouthwatering recipes from all over the world. Interestingly, it is also super easy to use and Yum all your favorite re

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Peanuts botanically known as Arachis hypogaea belongs to the species of legume of the Fabaceae family (Feng et., al 2012). It is an annual plant growing approximately 30 to 50 cm tall which originated from Paraguay. They are known with other names such as ground nuts, monkey nuts or pygmy nuts.According to the Peanut Institute, peanuts are rich sources of vitamin E, niacin, copper, phosphorus magn

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Fried Rice Recipe

Fried rice recipe is a delicious American Chinese cuisine comprised of steamed rice stir-fried in a saucepan and often mixed with vegetables and chopped meats. Follow the simple steps outlined in this recipe for your own version of delicious fried rice.

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Dugun Pilav Recipe

Apart from Turkey, the Dugun Pilav recipe is also popular in places like Middle Eastern, Caucasian, Swahili, Asian, Jewish, Caribbean cuisines, Iranian, African, Balkan and Latin American, however each cuisine has different methods of preparations.

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The Baking Bible

Legendary baker Rose Levy Beranbaum is back with her most extensive “bible” yet. With all-new recipes for the best cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, candies, pastries, breads, and more, this magnum opus draws from Rose’s passion and expertise in every category of baking. As is to be expected from the woman who’s been called “the most meticulous cook who ever lived,” each sumptuous recipe is truly foolproof—with detail-oriented instructions that eliminate guesswork, “plan-aheads,” ingenious tips, and highlights for success. From simple everyday crowd-pleasers (Coffee Crumb Cake Muffins, Gingersnaps, Gooseberry Crisp) to show-stopping stunners (Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse Tart, Mango Bango Cheesecake, White Christmas Peppermint Cake) to bakery-style pastries developed for the home kitchen (the famous French Kouign Amann), every recipe proves that delicious perfection is within reach for any baker.

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Paneer Makhani Recipe

Paneer Makhani Recipe is a popular Indian cuisine. The dish is very palatable and so easy to prepare.

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A lovingly-written homage to the enchanting dishes of the Middle East.

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I am inspired to share this recipe in case someone like you is searching for a foolproof technique of cooking egusi soup. My dear, if you are one of such people, I encourage you to search no further, because this is it.

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Pomegranate is botanically referred to as Punica granatum, a fruit-bearing deciduous  tree growing between 5 to 8 meters. Pomegranate is widely believed to have originated from Iran since ancient times.Presently, it is widely cultivated all over  the Mediterranean region of southern Europe, the Middle East and Caucasus region, Asia, northern and tropical Africa. It was however introduced by Spanis

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kachumbari Salad Recipe is a very healthy, easy-to-prepare and delicious salad dish. This salad is just a perfect combination with any of your main meals.

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125 Best Indoor Grill Recipes

125 Best Indoor Grill Recipes is a great book comprising of appetising recipes that work anytime. You can find recipes for dishes such as; Blackened Red Fish -- the sizzling southern flavor of New Orleans Greek-inspired Beef Souvlaki with Tzaziki Sauce Cilantro Lime Chicken Caesar Burger - Caesar Salad crossed with a hamburger Portobello Mushroom Burger -- the ultimate in vegetarian cuisine Three Meat Panini with Provolone -- a simple sandwich taken to new heights Shrimp Satay Southern Fried Chicken

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Kelewele recipe

When you think of a quick and appetizing plantain recipe to prepare for yourself, family or friends, think of Kelewele recipe. Kelewele is super delicious, appetizing and above all easy-to-prepare. Check out the recipe here.

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