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Waterleaf Assuming that nature never offered us any sort of vegetations such as vegetables, plants, trees, how could we have survived? Could there have been other alternatives? There are no doubts that vegetables continue to play important roles in our survival ~ supplying our bodies with essential nutrients that are necessary for our wellbeing. Several vegetables all over the world serve as bot

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Caribbean Coconut Rice Recipe

If you enjoy the distinguished and exquisite flavors of the Caribbean cuisines, then this Caribbean coconut rice recipe is a perfect one for you!

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Fenugreek From time immemorial, spices have been a household name because they are normally used for seasoning, flavoring and boosting the taste of our meals. Interestingly, spices can also be beneficial to us in other ways apart from food flavouring, to improve our health as well as serve for medicinal purposes. However, it is a great concern that many people are still oblivious of the numerous

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Ayamase stew is such an interesting stew you can think of if you are passionate about traditional food because the local spices used for the preparation are such that will awaken your traditional taste bud.

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Red Onions Vegetables and fruits continue to play an integral role in our everyday living. Being an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, they make up a balanced diet. Furthermore, they contain numerous antioxidants that scavenge for free radicals in the body thereby protecting the body from harm caused by oxidative stress.The natural compounds such as flavonoids,

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Peanuts botanically known as Arachis hypogaea belongs to the species of legume of the Fabaceae family (Feng et., al 2012). It is an annual plant growing approximately 30 to 50 cm tall which originated from Paraguay. They are known with other names such as ground nuts, monkey nuts or pygmy nuts.According to the Peanut Institute, peanuts are rich sources of vitamin E, niacin, copper, phosphorus magn

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 [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO9PNYEgs1U[/embed]I can now confidently say that I am amazingly excited that I will henceforth be using Canon EOS 6D for my food photography. I just unboxed the Canon EOS 6D Camera and I am ecstatic.Ooh la la I am mmmmmm................. as in seriously dancing!Ask me why?Well, because I am finally unboxing my Canon EOS 6d. Yes, Yes, Yes!Sorry that I a

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Cabbage botanically known as Brassica oleracea is an edible multi-layered green, white or purple leafy vegetable. It is closely related to other crops such as cauliflower, brussels sprouts and broccoli. It is believed that cabbage originated from Europe before it spread to other parts of the world where it is used in many cuisines.

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Tomato stew is a very delicious delicacy that can be served with boiled rice or pasta.

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Beef meat is amongst the most widely consumed meat in the world, accounting for about 25% of the global meat production. Researchers have shown that beef meat consists of low fat, approximately less than 5% (Scollan et., al. 2005). The United States, Brazil and China are the world's three largest consumers of beef meat, while the world's largest exporters of beef are Australia, Brazil, India and t

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Yam porridge garnished with vegetables is a very palatable delicacy.

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Roasted Pointed Sweet Peppers With Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted pointed sweet peppers with pumpkin seeds is a very savoury and healthy snack for both the kids and adults. We know that buying snacks can be quite expensive most times, that's why I decided to create this simple snack recipe. Sweet pepper botanically known as Capsicum Annuum is a vegetable which originated from the tropical and subtropical regions of Central America. The pointed sweet pepper can be red, orange or yellow in appearance but the more common one is the red sweet one with an exceptional sweet flavour. Sweet peppers can be used for various cuisines and for any dish depending on an individual's preference. The pointed sweet pepper recipes is easily made by roasting the peppers and garnishing with pumpkin seeds for good taste.

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Aubergine botanically known as Solanum melongena and commonly referred to as eggplant or garden egg belongs to the nightshade family of bitter apple S. incanum. It is a tender tropical perennial crop measuring at least 16 to 57 inches tall, with broad lobed leaves, which are up to 4–8 inches long and 2–4 inches broad. It has a spiny stem with a white to purple flower, bearing five lobed corolla an

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Dugun Pilav Recipe

Apart from Turkey, the Dugun Pilav recipe is also popular in places like Middle Eastern, Caucasian, Swahili, Asian, Jewish, Caribbean cuisines, Iranian, African, Balkan and Latin American, however each cuisine has different methods of preparations.

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Morel Peradventure you haven't come in contact or eaten morels, then you are seriously missing out. But if true morels are already part of your diet, then there is no way you cannot applaud these amazing fungi. Well, whichever category you find yourself, let us now have a look at some of the uses of morels and their side effects that you definitely need to be aware of.It might interest you to kn

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Okra With Green Vegetables Soup

Okra with green vegetables soup is such a unique soup due to the high nutritional content of both okra and green vegetables. This green coloured with elongated ridged pods vegetable is a rich source of vitamin A, B6, C, Thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, magnesium, potassium, dietary fibre and folic acid.

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Baked Vegetables With Parmesan Cheese

Baked vegetables with parmesan cheese is a very simple recipe to prepare, but most people will find it time consuming to gather and cut all of the required vegetables. The necessary ingredients include aubergine (eggplant), parmesan cheese, sweetcorn, mushroom, onions and bell peppers

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Plum is so sweet, delicious, juicy and very colourful. To get hold of the fruit with all these spectacular attributes, then…………..Walk into your supermarket, farmers markets or local shops and you will be offered this amazing fruit commonly known as plum. This fruit is deemed as drupe and is of the Prunus genus of plants that is closely related to peach and apricot. While some studies believe that

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Plantain Porridge

Plantain porridge is a very delicious and healthy dish especially when combined with assorted vegetables. Plantains fruit all through the year round and they remain a major staple food in countries like Philippines, Africa, Central and Southern America and the Caribbean Islands. The Filipinos call it Saba, Greek call it αρνόγλωσσο, Europe, Americans and Africans call it plantain.

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Don't forget to try out some simple Ecuadorian recipes anytime soon. They are super easy to prepare, delicious and also healthy.

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