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Lipids represent at least 60% of the dry weight of hazelnuts, which are mostly represented by triacylglycerols where the main fatty acids are oleic and linoleic acids. Hazelnut contains approximately 80% oleic acid, hence the key reason it is highly beneficial to the body. It also contains a high amount of bioactive compounds such as phytosterols and tocopherols, caffeic acid, epicatechin, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, dietary fibre, proteins, potassium, gallic acid, carbohydrates, selenium, vitamin E, sinapic acid, L-arginine, quercetin and antioxidant phenolics. Hazelnuts offer cardioprotective, antioxidizing, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and hypocholesterolemic benefits to humanity. Hazelnuts can also be used for producing biodiesel.
Benefits of Hazelnuts
Edible Purposes
Hazelnut is a fruit nut that can be consumed as a snack or used as an ingredient for preparing several meals. Hazelnut can be eaten either whole, ground into a paste, sliced, raw or roasted. Hazelnuts can be eaten with or without the skin. It is noteworthy that the skin contains the highest concentration of antioxidants. Hazelnut skins can be removed by roasting or baking it for at least 10mins, which allows the skins to easily come off. Peeled hazelnuts can be ground into flour powder for baking, it can be coated with chocolates. Hazelnuts can be used for the following: baking cakes, topping desserts/ice creams, for producing hazelnut flavouring. Hazelnuts can also be processed into food products such as pastry, nougat, ice cream, smoothies, loaves of bread, cereal bars, cookies, yoghurts, hazelnut butter, hazelnut spread example Nutella and hazelnut oil for cooking.
Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
The link between the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the intake of nuts has raised research interests over the years. Interestingly, some researchers have revealed that hazelnuts aid plasma lipid pattern changes, thus could help to prevent or reduce the morbidity and mortality rate associated with CVD. Hazelnut prevents CVD due to its high fatty acid composition, especially the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). MUFA protects low-density lipoproteins (LDL) against oxidation. The lowering impacts of hazelnuts on LDL cholesterol serum concentration helps in the possible prevention of CVD. Hazelnuts significantly reduce the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) thereby helpful for reducing the total cholesterol level, without decreasing the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).
Prevents the onset of Cancer
The increasing rate of cancer has increased the quest for natural sources of anticancer compounds. Hazelnuts contain a high amount of antioxidizing compounds (proanthocyanidins), minerals and vitamins, thus suitable for use as anti-cancer agents. Researchers have proven that proanthocyanidins may help to prevent and treat certain types of cancers because they protect against oxidative stress. Moreover, the high amount of vitamin E in hazelnuts makes it effective for protecting against cell damage that triggers the onset of cancer or cancer growth. Regular consumption of hazelnuts can help to protect against colon, breast, liver and cervical cancer.
Antioxidizing effects
Hazelnuts contain a significant amount of antioxidants (phenolic compounds), which protect the body from oxidative stress that can damage cell structure. It is noteworthy that damaged cell structures lead to ageing and various diseases. The antioxidants in hazelnuts also help to reduce inflammation and the blood cholesterol level.
Maintains Healthy Weight
Regular inclusion of hazelnut in your diet will not lead to weight gain probably due to its high constituents of antioxidants.
Reduces Inflammation
Researchers agree that regular intake of hazelnuts can improve markers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. However, the amount of hazelnuts needed to achieve these health benefits remains unknown. Hazelnuts help to prevent and decrease inflammation due to the high amount of healthy fats found in them. Although some studies attest that consuming only hazelnuts cannot achieve these benefits. Therefore to minimize inflammation, adopt a calorie-controlled diet.

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2. Di Renzo, L., Cioccoloni, G., Bernardini, S., Abenavoli, L., Aiello, V., Marchetti, M., Cammarano, A., Alipourfard, I.,
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3. Dobhal., K., Singh., N., Semwal, A. and Negi, A. (2018), A Brief Review On: Hazelnuts, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 9, Issue, 1(K), pp.23680-2368.
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5. Glei, M., Fischer, S., Lamberty, J., Ludwig, D., Lorkowski, S. and Schlörmann, W. (2018), Chemopreventive Potential of In Vitro Fermented Raw and Roasted Hazelnuts in LT97 Colon Adenoma Cells, Anticancer Res. 38(1):83-93.
6. Katarzyna, K., Alicja, P., Klaudia, K. and Karolina, M. (2019), Characterization of health-related properties of selected tree-nuts - a review, World Scientific News 135, 116-128.
7. Perna, S., Giacosa, A., Bonitta, G., Bologna, C., Isu, A., Guido, D. and Rondanelli, M. (2016), Effects of Hazelnut Consumption on Blood Lipids and Body Weight: A Systematic Review and Bayesian Meta-Analysis, Nutrients, 8(12), 747, pp.1-17.
8. Tey S. L., Robinson T., Davis H., Gray A. R., Chisholm A. W. and Brown R. C. (2015), The effect of regular hazelnut consumption on cardiovascular risk factors and acceptance in Māori and European, Journal of Nutr. 2:39–53.
9. Tey, S. L., Gray A. R., Chisholm A. W., Delahunty C. M. and Brown R. C. (2013), The dose of hazelnuts influences acceptance and diet quality but not inflammatory markers and body composition in overweight and obese individuals, Journal of Nutr. 143(8), 1254-62.
10. Images from Pixabay