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Psyllium Plants have played and will continue to play significant roles towards influencing the upkeep of human beings. They have also become a mainstay in pharmaceutical discoveries and creation of drugs for human utilizations. Moreover, these past years have recorded an increase in the number of new drugs that have positively contributed to the well-being of human beings and much more are yet

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[embed]http:////gfb.global.ssl.fastly.net/podcasts/HFB_12_Treating_Diarrhea_with_plants.mp3[/embed] I suppose each and every one of us at some point in our lifetimes has suffered from diarrhoea! Maybe not the chronic type but probably the mild one. Kudos to you if you haven’t yet! You probably might be thriving in another planet! Addressing the issue of diarrhea has become an area of concern si

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Watercress [embed]http:////gfb.global.ssl.fastly.net/podcasts/HFB_9_Health_Benefits_of_water_cress.mp3[/embed] Several plants and herbs have been classified as functional foods and one of such plants is watercress. This green vegetable is regarded as a functional food because it contains several health promoting properties. Functional foods offer similar benefits as medicines, which suggests

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Carrot fufu || How to make carrot fufu

Have you ever thought of using carrots to make fufu? If you haven't, then this is an opportunity for you to make some carrot fufu for yourself, family and friends. This carrot fufu recipe is pretty easy yet the outcome is overwhelmingly amazing. You only need 2 ingredients (carrots and psyllium husks powder) to make this dish a reality.

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Broccoli fufu || How to make Broccoli fufu

Have you eaten broccoli fufu? Oh, you don't know that fufu can be made with broccoli? Well, there is always a first time for everything. If you are on a journey of maintaining a healthy weight while clamouring for a fufu dish, then this is the recipe to stick to. This broccoli fufu is pretty easy to make yet the health benefits are immeasurable.

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Capture the amazing beauty of a sunny afternoon with a plate of delectable jollof egg noodles. With the luscious addition of some sweet peppers, fresh chives, black peppercorn, onions and a little bit of spices, this egg noodle dish cooked up really well for a delicious lunch.

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Quick question!How often do you eat fruit or better still how often should we eat fruit? I suppose we should make it a priority to include at least 5 portions of fruit in our diets on a daily basis as part of 5-A-DAY programme recommended by World Health Organization. Just try making it a habit to eat as much fruits as possible on a daily basis and I bet you will be glad to have adopted such a hea

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Grilled Steak With Yoghurt Cream

Grilled Steak With Yoghurt Cream is such a super delicious dish, easy to prepare and just perfect for a quickie dinner especially after a long working day. It is so easy that once you get back from work, drop your bag and head to the kitchen, you are sure to fix the dinner within 15 mins.

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Being one of the most essential and largest organs in our bodies, there is a need for us to adopt only the healthy habits that will keep our livers healthy at all times. Considering that many people have resorted to several unhealthy habits that could endanger the liver, it is high time such people started making a U-turn!But peradventure you are oblivious of certain common habits that could damag

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This roasted salmon with vegetables dish is amazingly delicious, captivating, soft and above all, super nutritious. Being made up of very healthy components, this is an ideal meal for you, family and friends. Don't forget to give the recipe a try and you will enjoy every bit of it.

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Special info for you on a special day!!! Black beans and yam is a special dish you definitely need on a special day like this. And if you enjoy preparing your own meals, which I presume is the reason you are reading this post, then this recipe is a WIN WIN for you.

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Shepherd's Pie || How To Make Shepherd's Pie

Honestly, making this shepherd's pie couldn't have been any easier than it was. All the ingredients paired up so so well to yield a fantastic, flavourful and delicious shepherd's pie that will make you continuously seek for more. Your tastebud won't be disappointed at all to feast on this mouthwatering meal. Feel free to give the recipe a try and let us know the outcome in the comment section.

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Spicy Chilli Chicken

What’s cooking for dinner? Try this tantalizing, delicious and appetizing twist of spicy chilli chicken for tonight's dinner. Very easy to prepare and yet super yummy!

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This chickpea dip with vegetable batons dish is a fun, quick, tasty and healthy way to spice up your dinner. Easy to make, tasty and super healthy. Give the recipe a try and you will be glad you did.

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HFB 9: Health Benefits of Water Cress

Watercress is a fast-growing semi-aquatic or aquatic plant that is botanically known as Nasturtium officinale. It is native to America, Asia and Europe and different countries have different names for it such as; water cushie, green watercress, town cress, water crishes, bronkors, karsun mehi, Kreson, nilofar, beler, halim, ajila, cai, Ukhwaningenila, xi yang cai, waterkers,biolar, piriyaa-haalim,

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It is just super simple and can't be any simpler than this! Make that apple, kiwi and plum yogurt within 5 mins for a quick breakfast, lunch or dinner dessert. Yes, you can do it because it can't be any easier than this.

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Chicken Drumstick Soup

This chicken drumstick soup is amongst the easiest chicken recipes anyone can think of preparing. It is very palatable and more succulent than any other chicken part.

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The delicious taste of this tomato lamb stew pairs up perfectly well with either your bowl of cooked rice, cooked spaghetti or any other main meal of choice for a perfect lunch or dinner.

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Roasted Turkey || How To Cook A Turkey For Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving day and it is a blessing to be alive today. Roasting a Thanksgiving turkey is not tedious yet the result is delicious and super satisfying. The key to a perfect flavourful and tasty turkey is using the right sets of ingredients. Although there are a couple of prep works involved in this turkey recipe, but these are nothing you cannot do.

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Kofte Kebab Recipe

Are you arranging a side dish, party or occassion? Try these tempting bites of kofte kebab! Very delicious, quick and easy to make! Check out our kofte kebab recipe as we walk you through the preparation steps.

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