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My sole aim of writing this blog is to suggest to patients going through dialysis (kidney failures)  on the types of foods and the recommended daily fluid intake so as to minimise any complications associated with dialysis. Approximately two months ago, I had a chat with a nephrologist doctor friend of mine who currently consults in one of the biggest hospitals in  Europe. We had a very good chat

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Eat A Big Healthy Breakfast To Get Your Eggs Fertilised

What happens when a woman eats a hearty healthy breakfast? Studies reveal that eating a big healthy breakfast by a woman increases her chances of getting her eggs easily fertilised. Read more..

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Due to the increasing awareness that is drawn towards the consumption of phytochemical compounds, the intake of maize has recently gained attention for studies. Maize is considered a healthy food because of its high constituent of phytochemicals and essential nutrients. Resistant starch from maize or high-amylose maize exhibits several health beneficial effects. Due to the numerous health benefits of maize, its inclusion in our daily diets is highly recommended. Moreover, the increasing population continues to increase the demand for more food production. Apart from satisfying the incessant demand for food, maize has been proven to meet up with both our nutritional, pharmaceutical, therapeutic, economic, medical and industrial demands.

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If you want a change from your usual breakfast or brunch recipes, why not give this eggs vegetables casserole recipe a go. The flavour combination is just mind blowing.

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What other better way of kick-starting your daily activities than with a strawberry and blueberry granola parfait that is packed with several nutritive values? Give this recipe a try and I bet you will love it.

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Sweet orange granola is an ideal savoury option for breakfast! Yes, a perfect savoury quickie meal to start off the day really gracefully with. Give it a try and I bet you will enjoy it.

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I have been searching for a better way to structure my question. I came up with; How often do you eat breakfast? or should I say; Do You know that it is very essential to eat breakfast? How often do you skip breakfast? Are you amongst the set of individuals that ensure that breakfast is a must for the day or amongst others that claim that breakfast is not necessary? Could your eating or skipping b

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The easy breakfast guide is a collection of various breakfast recipes. The book comprises of the following; Over 60 new, healthy, delicious recipes for breakfast Loads of satisfying and tasty breakfast options  Easy  Step by Step instructions  4 divine cereals - who said you had to give up porridge on a grain free diet? Lots of super fast meal options Plenty of variety that everyone will love 

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These Cornish pasties are just a perfect combination of healthy ingredients that certainly do not disappoint any time. They are very crispy, moist, tasty, flavourful and at the same time super healthy.

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Kidney Beans With Beef Sauce

Kidney beans with beef sauce is a great meal to come by. It is so delicious, savoury, tasty but most importantly, very healthy.

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Psyllium Plants have played and will continue to play significant roles towards influencing the upkeep of human beings. They have also become a mainstay in pharmaceutical discoveries and creation of drugs for human utilizations. Moreover, these past years have recorded an increase in the number of new drugs that have positively contributed to the well-being of human beings and much more are yet

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Being one of my all favorite cakes, I can tell you for sure that this Madeira cake recipe is a no brainer at all. Although this Madeira cake is very easy to make but yet super delicious and tantalizing.

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Hi there,Welcome to the second stage of  kidney failure series. In this episode, a very pertinent concern regarding fluid intake for patients with kidney failures will be addressed with possible recommendations offered. However, before addressing this topic, a brief description of the main function  of a kidney will be discussed.Kidney helps to regulate the level of fluid that exits the body. Howe

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Start off the day with a 2 mins breakfast that is made up of freshly prepared cup of lipton tea and blueberry muffin. Very easy to make and yet superb.

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Omelet With Sliced Bread

Omelet with Sliced Bread makes a perfect breakfast. It is such a quick breakfast to fix especially during morning rush hours

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Toast bread and egg is an easy to fix breakfast.

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Fried potatoes with omelette is just very easy to prepare and makes a perfect breakfast! It is a fantastic dish combination you can't afford to miss. It is very easy to make and super delicious. Give it a try.

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Female animals of various species such as fish, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and birds are created to lay eggs which are eaten by human beings.Bird and reptile eggs consist of a protective shell, albumen (egg white), and vitellus (egg yolk) and the most type of consumed eggs are chicken, turkey, fish and duck. Eggs are one of the most versatile ingredients used in cooking (Kumaravel et., al. 2012)

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Vegetable Omelet

When you think of a perfect breakfast combination, think of vegetable omelet. Super delicious, yummy and healthy for a healthy you. Check out the recipe here.

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Microwave Scrambled Eggs With Chopped Tomatoes And Carrots

This recipe is just superb. Easy, simple, healthy and amazingly quick to put together. This microwave scrambled eggs with chopped tomatoes and carrots turned out light, creamy and soft.

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