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If I may ask, is there anything not to enjoy about a colourful, flavourful, crunchy and chewy fruit mix crumble, baked to golden brown perfection?

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How often do you eat fruits? Do you regularly include fruits in your diet or do you just occasionally eat fruits? Ok, what about a banana? What do you really know about this common fruit? How often do you eat the banana? Did you know that banana is one of the most essential fruits that has innumerable health benefits? Well, these few pertinent questions have been tendered before you for your candid response.

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Shepherd's Pie || How To Make Shepherd's Pie

Honestly, making this shepherd's pie couldn't have been any easier than it was. All the ingredients paired up so so well to yield a fantastic, flavourful and delicious shepherd's pie that will make you continuously seek for more. Your tastebud won't be disappointed at all to feast on this mouthwatering meal. Feel free to give the recipe a try and let us know the outcome in the comment section.

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When next you have some overripe bananas lying around your kitchen and you are bugging your brain on what to do or not to do with them, worry no more as this recipe is here to solve your problem. Whipping up those overripe bananas with a few collections of other basic kitchen ingredients will yield a moist and delicious banana bread for you.

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This chocolate banana chip cake would be a perfect replacement for anything you would normally buy from the supermarket or local shop. It baked up really well and it is just a perfect homemade chocolate cake you can bake up so quickly and easily.

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This ripe banana crumble pie recipe is a perfect way to use up your overripe bananas and turn them into something a lot more fruity--friendly for whatever dish you envisage. So should you often have issues with your bananas getting overripe really quickly, thereby causing you to discard them annoyingly, then worry no more! Just try out this recipe and I bet you will love it.

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If you haven't tried a ripe mango salsa before, now is the time to do so! Check out the recipe here, try it out and you will be happy you did.

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One of the easiest ways of having fresh fruit for breakfast is in smoothies so I can assure you that this banana smoothie might just be the perfect smoothie you've been searching for.

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Watermelon and banana sorbet is just tantalizing, refreshing, satisfying and sooo coooollliingg to the nerves. Besides, it is a brilliant way of combining fresh watermelon and banana for a fantastic finished dessert that is so deserving to your body.

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Beef and Onion pie is a very easy snack which I enjoy making with shortcrust pastry.

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The Baking Bible

Legendary baker Rose Levy Beranbaum is back with her most extensive “bible” yet. With all-new recipes for the best cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, candies, pastries, breads, and more, this magnum opus draws from Rose’s passion and expertise in every category of baking. As is to be expected from the woman who’s been called “the most meticulous cook who ever lived,” each sumptuous recipe is truly foolproof—with detail-oriented instructions that eliminate guesswork, “plan-aheads,” ingenious tips, and highlights for success. From simple everyday crowd-pleasers (Coffee Crumb Cake Muffins, Gingersnaps, Gooseberry Crisp) to show-stopping stunners (Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse Tart, Mango Bango Cheesecake, White Christmas Peppermint Cake) to bakery-style pastries developed for the home kitchen (the famous French Kouign Amann), every recipe proves that delicious perfection is within reach for any baker.

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Meat Pie Recipe || How to Bake the Perfect Minced Beef Meat Pie

Treat yourself and your loved ones to these delightful minced beef meat pies!

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Cake Recipes & Cupcake Recipes

Cake Recipes & Cupcake Recipes Cake Recipes & Cupcake Recipes is a brand new app packed full of delicious, quick and easy recipes! Featuring Various Cake recipes all with easy video instructions, Cupcake recipes with step by step video tutorials. Also added are low fat Cake recipes so you don't have to always feel guilty! With enough Cake and Cupcake recipes to keep you busy baking and the 50% off discount, you should jump in and get this app right now!

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This banana, mango & mandarines smoothie is super easy, nutritious and absolutely refreshing. The dates add a lovely natural sweetness to the smoothie without overwhelming its taste! The tanginess of the lemon fruit mixed with the sweetness of the mandarines, mango, banana, orange juice and dates is a wonderful combo, and the colour is so beautiful too!

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The combination of a hint of beetroot powder, the aromatic flavour from the vanilla, with the sweetness from the pitted dates made this beetroot powder, banana, pear, pineapple smoothie recipe a winner. Another great smoothie recipe for the archives.

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Apple, banana, mandarines smoothie anybody? Yes, bring it on! This is the classic dessert your body needs for a healthier you. Full of great fruity flavour, slightly sweetened with just a few pitted dates just to keep it super tasty, with a tablespoon of vanilla flavour to maintain that lovely flavour. You really can't go wrong with this recipe and I highly recommend you give it a try soonish!

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I bought some green unripe plantains to make some tostones, but unfortunately, the plantains got ripen overnight. Being so persistent, I still went ahead to make the recipe but tweaked it a bit. So I am super excited to introduce my ripe plantain version of tostones to you! And I hope you will enjoy the recipe once you give it a shot.

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Banana Muffins

The banana muffins taste perfectly as they look - they are good enough to be prepared in large quantities and stored in an airtight container to be eaten at anytime of the day.

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Chicken With Vegetables Pies

Having chicken with vegetables pies for breakfast is another means of ensuring a great day ahead. Most people see these pies in the coffee shops, supermarkets and local shops thinking that they are quite hard to make but believe me, they are not. They are very easy to make and you can use simple ingredients that are usually available in your kitchen cupboard.

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Chicken With Vegetables Pies

Having chicken with vegetables pies for breakfast is another means of ensuring a great day ahead. Most people see these pies in the coffee shops, supermarkets and local shops thinking that they are quite hard to make but believe me, they are not. They are very easy to make and you can use simple ingredients that are usually available in your kitchen cupboard.

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